Plot Summary:
In the year 1600, during the battle of Sekigahara, warriors Kyoshiro Mibu and "Demon Eyes" Kyo - the legendary slayer of a thousand men - engaged in fierce combat. Both men disappeared when a meteor crashed in the battlegrounds. Four years later, Kyoshiro is spotted on a rural highway, acting as a traveling medicine salesman. He is captured by the female bounty hunter Yuya Shiina when she discovers that deep inside him is the dormant personality of "Demon Eyes" Kyo himself.

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Samurai Deeper Kyo Episode 01: Download Now
Samurai Deeper Kyo Episode 02: Download Now
Samurai Deeper Kyo Episode 03: Download Now
Samurai Deeper Kyo Episode 04: Download Now
Samurai Deeper Kyo Episode 05: Download Now
Samurai Deeper Kyo Episode 06: Download Now
Samurai Deeper Kyo Episode 07: Download Now
Samurai Deeper Kyo Episode 08: Download Now
Samurai Deeper Kyo Episode 09: Download Now
Samurai Deeper Kyo Episode 10: Download Now
Samurai Deeper Kyo Episode 11: Download Now
Samurai Deeper Kyo Episode 12: Download Now
Samurai Deeper Kyo Episode 13: Download Now
Samurai Deeper Kyo Episode 14: Download Now
Samurai Deeper Kyo Episode 15: Download Now
Samurai Deeper Kyo Episode 16: Download Now
Samurai Deeper Kyo Episode 17: Download Now
Samurai Deeper Kyo Episode 18: Download Now
Samurai Deeper Kyo Episode 19: Download Now
Samurai Deeper Kyo Episode 20: Download Now
Samurai Deeper Kyo Episode 21: Download Now
Samurai Deeper Kyo Episode 22: Download Now
Samurai Deeper Kyo Episode 23: Download Now
Samurai Deeper Kyo Episode 24: Download Now
Samurai Deeper Kyo Episode 25: Download Now
Samurai Deeper Kyo Episode 26: Download Now

Samurai Deeper Kyo

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Cardfight!! Vanguard Episode 1: Download Now

Cardfight!! Vanguard

Plot Summary:
The story follows the "strongest juvenile delinquent", Oga Tatsumi, a first year in "Ishiyama High" the school for delinquents. One day while sleeping next to a river he sees a man floating down it, he pulls him to shore and the man splits in half revealing a baby boy. This boy is the son of the demon king and he has been chosen as the one to raise it with the baby's demon maid Hilda. The story follows his life with the child and at the delinquent school.

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Beelzebub Episode 1: Download Now


Plot Summary:
Souchirou Nagi and Bob Makihara are two delinquents who arrive at Toudou Academy with the objective of ruling over the school with their strength. But on their first day, they encountered the Jyuukenbu, a martial arts group of the school. Members of the group, Maya Natsume, her sister Aya, and Masataka Takayanagi easily overpowered Souchirou and Bob. And what's more, due to what was assumed to be their "connections" with the Jyuukenbu, the two were attacked by members of the Enforcement Group, which oversees the martial arts groups of the school. Drawn into the personal conflicts between the Jyuukenbu and the Enforcement Group, Souchirou and Bob have no choice but to join up with Maya Natsume's group and to hone their skills to become even stronger.

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Tenjho Tenge Epiosede 01: Download Now
Tenjho Tenge Epiosede 02: Download Now
Tenjho Tenge Epiosede 03: Download Now
Tenjho Tenge Epiosede 04: Download Now
Tenjho Tenge Epiosede 05: Download Now
Tenjho Tenge Epiosede 06: Download Now
Tenjho Tenge Epiosede 07: Download Now
Tenjho Tenge Epiosede 08: Download Now
Tenjho Tenge Epiosede 09: Download Now
Tenjho Tenge Epiosede 10: Download Now
Tenjho Tenge Epiosede 11: Download Now
Tenjho Tenge Epiosede 12: Download Now
Tenjho Tenge Epiosede 13: Download Now
Tenjho Tenge Epiosede 14: Download Now
Tenjho Tenge Epiosede 15: Download Now
Tenjho Tenge Epiosede 16: Download Now
Tenjho Tenge Epiosede 17: Download Now
Tenjho Tenge Epiosede 18: Download Now
Tenjho Tenge Epiosede 19: Download Now
Tenjho Tenge Epiosede 20: Download Now
Tenjho Tenge Epiosede 21: Download Now
Tenjho Tenge Epiosede 22: Download Now
Tenjho Tenge Epiosede 23: Download Now
Tenjho Tenge Epiosede 24: Download Now

Tenjho Tenge

Plot Summary:
Tony Stark is a physicist, an engineer, and the CEO of a major arms manufacturing company. On a battlefield he is injured from his own weapons and taken prisoner by terrorists. In order to keep his own heart beating, he creates the Ironman Suit and escapes. Once free, Stark decides to dedicate his life to pursuing world peace with the Ironman technology, so he moves to Japan to use the resources of "Lab 23," home of the world's first Arc Reactor. Wanting to devote himself fully to this research, Stark decides to retire as Ironman and announce the mass-production of suits to fulfill his duties. But at the announcement ceremony he is attacked by the mysterious organization known as "Zodiac," and his plans have to change.

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Iron Man Episode 01: Download Now
Iron Man Episode 02: Download Now
Iron Man Episode 03: Download Now
Iron Man Episode 04: Download Now
Iron Man Episode 05: Download Now
Iron Man Episode 06: Download Now
Iron Man Episode 07: Download Now
Iron Man Episode 08: Download Now
Iron Man Episode 09: Download Now
Iron Man Episode 10: Download Now
Iron Man Episode 11: Download Now
Iron Man Episode 12: Download Now

Iron Man

Plot Summary:
A sequel to the recently wrapped anime based on the Key Clannad franchise. After Story is a path that opens in the original visual novel after all the other paths have been opened.
Life continues on for Tomoya. A few months have passed since he confessed his love to Nagisa. Now entering the second semester, he continues to meet a variety of different people, expanding his own world in the process. As well, Tomoya and Nagisa's relationship begins to enter a level of intimacy unlike before. Through his relationship with Nagisa, and his various encounters, Tomoya begins to understand the meaning and importance of family. Unfortunately, as Tomoya and Nagisa begin their own family together, they are faced with many hardships and challenges along the way.

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Clannad After Story Eoiside 01: Download Now
Clannad After Story Eoiside 02: Download Now
Clannad After Story Eoiside 03: Download Now
Clannad After Story Eoiside 04: Download Now
Clannad After Story Eoiside 05: Download Now
Clannad After Story Eoiside 06: Download Now
Clannad After Story Eoiside 07: Download Now
Clannad After Story Eoiside 08: Download Now
Clannad After Story Eoiside 09: Download Now
Clannad After Story Eoiside 10: Download Now
Clannad After Story Eoiside 11: Download Now
Clannad After Story Eoiside 12: Download Now
Clannad After Story Eoiside 13: Download Now
Clannad After Story Eoiside 14: Download Now
Clannad After Story Eoiside 15: Download Now
Clannad After Story Eoiside 16: Download Now
Clannad After Story Eoiside 17: Download Now
Clannad After Story Eoiside 18: Download Now
Clannad After Story Eoiside 19: Download Now
Clannad After Story Eoiside 20: Download Now
Clannad After Story Eoiside 21: Download Now
Clannad After Story Eoiside 22: Download Now
Clannad After Story Eoiside 23: Download Now
Clannad After Story Eoiside 24: Download Now
Clannad After Story Eoiside 25: Download Now

Clannad After Story

Plot Summary:
When timid eleventh-grader and math genius Kenji Koiso is asked by older student and secret crush Natsuki to come with her to her family’s Nagano home for a summer job, he agrees without hesitation. Natsuki’s family, the Jinnouchi clan, dates back to the Muromachi era, and they’ve all come together to celebrate the 90th birthday of the spunky matriarch of the family, Sakae. That’s when Kenji discovers his “summer job” is to pretend to be Natsuki’s fiancĂ© and dance with her at the birthday celebration. As Kenji attempts to keep up with Natsuki’s act around her family, he receives a strange math problem on his cell phone which, being a math genius, he can’t resist solving. As it turns out, the solution to the mysterious equation causes a hijacking of the social networking site through which most of the world's social and business traffic flows.

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Summer Wars (Movie): part1, part2, part3, part4

Summer Wars (Movie)

Plot Summary:
Kaoru Hanabishi, a college student who lives alone, met a beautiful but bewildered girl dressed in kimono at train station. He volunteered to guide her way to the address she was looking for, which looked like in his neighborhood but turned out to be an empty lot. Not knowing what to do next, Kaoru invited the devastated girl to his apartment and asked for additional clue -- a photo with two children whom Kaoru immediately identified as himself and Aoi Sakuraba, his childhood friend. It turned out that the girl in front of him is Aoi Sakuraba herself, his betrothed fiancée who came all the way to Tokyo to marry him. Her revelation was not only surprising but also reminded the deepest part of Kaoru's memory for why he left the Hanabishi family in the first place.

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Ai Yori Aoshi Episode 01: Download Now
Ai Yori Aoshi Episode 02: Download Now
Ai Yori Aoshi Episode 03: Download Now
Ai Yori Aoshi Episode 04: Download Now
Ai Yori Aoshi Episode 05: Download Now
Ai Yori Aoshi Episode 06: Download Now
Ai Yori Aoshi Episode 07: Download Now
Ai Yori Aoshi Episode 08: Download Now
Ai Yori Aoshi Episode 09: Download Now
Ai Yori Aoshi Episode 10: Download Now
Ai Yori Aoshi Episode 11: Download Now
Ai Yori Aoshi Episode 12: Download Now
Ai Yori Aoshi Episode 13: Download Now
Ai Yori Aoshi Episode 14: Download Now
Ai Yori Aoshi Episode 15: Download Now
Ai Yori Aoshi Episode 16: Download Now
Ai Yori Aoshi Episode 17: Download Now
Ai Yori Aoshi Episode 18: Download Now
Ai Yori Aoshi Episode 19: Download Now
Ai Yori Aoshi Episode 20: Download Now
Ai Yori Aoshi Episode 21: Download Now
Ai Yori Aoshi Episode 22: Download Now
Ai Yori Aoshi Episode 23: Download Now
Ai Yori Aoshi Episode 24: Download Now

Ai Yori Aoshi

Plot Summary:
On November 22, 2010 ten missiles strike Japan. However, this unprecedented terrorist act, later to be called as "Careless Monday," does not result in any apparent victims, and is soon forgotten by almost everyone. Then, 3 months later... Saki Morimi is a young woman currently in the United States of America on her graduation trip. But just when she is in front of the White House, Washington DC, she gets into trouble, and only the unexpected intervention of one of her fellow countrymen saves her. However, this man, who introduces himself as Akira Takizawa, is a complete mystery. He appears to have lost his memory. and he is stark naked, except for the gun he holds in one hand, and the mobile phone he's holding with the other hand. A phone that is charged with 8,200,000,000 yen in digital cash.

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Eden of the East Episode 01: Download Now
Eden of the East Episode 02: Download Now
Eden of the East Episode 03: Download Now
Eden of the East Episode 04: Download Now
Eden of the East Episode 05: Download Now
Eden of the East Episode 06: Download Now
Eden of the East Episode 07: Download Now
Eden of the East Episode 08: Download Now
Eden of the East Episode 09: Download Now
Eden of the East Episode 10: Download Now
Eden of the East Episode 11: Download Now

Eden of the East